Sacred abundance symbol
Wallpaper: Breathe Deep, Stretch Tall, Smile Wide

Desktop wallpaper for March: Breathe Deep, Stretch Tall, Smile Wide!

Happi iMac: Breathe deep, stretch tall, smile wide

Set as your desktop pic now, by following these simple steps…

  1. Click the download link below that is relevant to your computer, phone or tablet (click here to find out your screen size)
  2. Save to your device
  3. Set as wallpaper
  4. Vote  for what you’d like next months wallpaper to remind you of here
  5. Sign up to The Happi Empire mailing list to receive next months digital wallpaper!

Computer desktops

(click here to find out your screen size

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Phone desktops

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Tablet desktops

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Frances Verbeek, founder of The Happi Empire
Hello lovely soul, I’m Fran!

Founder, designer & mentor

As a spiritual student, I started The Happi Empire to help others find happiness and fulfilment in their lives. I design creative tools to help you process life and align with the light.


Need guidance to nuture a lighter mind? Join The Happi Empire.